WePiggy Product Updates and New Page “Security” Goes Live
WePiggy 2021/7/9 product updates are as follows:
For Desktop&Mobile(All networks)
1. Add [Security] Page
Page link: https://wepiggy.com/security
WePiggy is committed to creating a safe, open and transparent decentralized financial ecosystem. The realization of this goal is inseparable from the joint efforts of the WePiggy core development team and the community.
To show WePiggy’s layout and considerations at the security level, and deepen WePiggy’s security-focused image in the minds of community users, WePiggy has now launched the “Security” page.
This page includes the following sections:
Open-Source Code Repository
Eight Security Modules
Bug Bounty Program
2. [Navigation Bar] Optimization
Optimize the navigation bar style
Add [Switch Network] button
Add [Bottom Bar]
Add [Cross-Chain Bridge] in the sidebar
3. [NFT Gallery] Optimization
Add back silhouettes for all NFTs
4. [Homepage] Optimization
Optimize the top and bottom columns
5. Update [Used Ratio] Term Explanation
6. Optimize the Repayment Process
7. Optimize the Entrance of the WePiggy’s Billionaires
8. Speed Up the Transaction Speed, Change the Confirmation Block from 2 to 1
For Mobile (ETH/OEC/BSC/Polygon Mainnets)
1. [Deposit/Repay] Pages Optimization
Add a new [Reapprove] pop-up box, which is convenient for users to modify the approved amount when the approved amount is insufficient
2. Follow the Wallet Node to Automatically Switch Networks
For Desktop(All Networks)
1. [NFT Gallery] Optimization
Add sliding button to view NFT (When the page is fully displayed, the button will not be displayed)